Thursday, July 21, 2011

Molly's home for the summer!

Molly got a single room!!!!  So happy for her!  No more crazy room-mates coming in at all hours of the night, day, whatever...privacy!  She found out today that she is in Lawson dorm and her parking assignment is right near this dorm.

Her job is going really well.  She's learned a lot and is so pleased to be making her own money.  Today was payday!  She's working Monday through Friday 7a-3p.  She had her meeting with her boss and was told they were very pleased, that she had only heard "good things".  Great experience and a foot in the door for after she graduates.

Next week we get to housesit for Tate's!  Looking forward to it,  love the new pooch,  it will be great experience for Tucker to meet another dog.  (If I see a snake, we will be coming home and bringing Ebenezer to our house!)

Our dish has died twice!  Tomorrow the DISH people are coming again....last time it was a faulty head on the receiver.

It's soooo hot tonight  Very muggy, Ansel was drenched in sweat today when I fed.  I hosed him down and he prefers to stay in the stall at Sue's.  We had a great ride last week to Krupp's in West Haven.  Ansel was perfect, we had a deer jump in front of us and he hardly startled at all.   Molly was thrilled, Kacee was very good also.  She carried a dressage whip and every time she thought about stopping she would give her a little pop on the butt and it worked!

Tucker is growing like a weed!  He's full of the devil lot's of the time then just crashes and sleeps.  So glad we got him!

We went kayaking with Carol and Leanne last Sunday.  We put in at Ross's dock in West Haven and headed north.  We immediately saw a bald eagle!  Had a great day, got sunburned, ended up seeing 2 adult eagles and an immature and their nest in a pine tree.  Beautiful, and huge creatures!

Had my first lettuce from the garden, a few radishes, peas.  My beans are blossoming, the cucumbers and squash are blossoming.  Also had a few cherry tomatoes.

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