Wednesday, March 10, 2010

More acupuncture pictures...

This is Dr. Dunton.  She's so nice.  Austin doesn't mind the needles at all.  They stay in 20-30 minutes at a time.  Austin turned 13 on March 1st.  John gets him a piece of carrot cake every year.

March 10, 2010

What a beautiful week of weather we've had.  It's been sunny and 40-50 degrees for the past 3 days.  Most of the snow has melted...some mud, but the roads are actually not too bad.  We had a bit of a scare with Austin yesterday.  I got up and he was on the couch.  Didn't think much of it and headed out to the kitchen to make coffee.  I heard him scrambling try to get off the couch...when I went into the living room he was unable to get his back end off the sofa.  I helped him down and he sort of fell over.  (He had a similar episode about a year ago and seemed to come out of that after a few hours.  He managed to get up but his hind end didn't seem to be able to support him.  He went out, fell down a few times and then came back in.  I called Molly and we helped him to his dog bed.  He was very anxious, panting and seemed like maybe his back was hurting.  I gave him a Rimadyl and we both figured that his time  had come.  We waited for John to get home figuring that he could help us carry him to the car to take him to the vet's and have him put down.

By the time John came home he was stronger, he got up and was able to walk so we figured we'd wait and see.  He had an appt. for acupuncture at 1 p.m. anyway and by the time we went he was back to his old self. He actually jumped right into the back seat of my truck and was quite happy to be going for a ride.  Looks like he's going hang in a little longer!!  John actually went with me for the acupuncture.  Austin was somewhat nervous, but really seemed to like the vet and left the office clearly more comfortable than when he went in.  We walked about a 1/2 mile this morning and he's sleeping on one of his 3 dog beds.  We all know that it's going to happen one of these days, but as long as he's happy and doesn't seem to be uncomfortable we'll hang in there.

The new computer (desktop) is all set up in the den.  It's soooo fast and has an awesome screen.  It's just a rather cheap hp that I got in staples but it's so much better than the dell.  Window's 7 isn't bad either.  It's also wireless so I don't have a massive tangle of cords behind the desk.  I set it up all by myself, installed all the mail programs and extras.  I did have Megan help me with setting up the backup.  I thought I was going to have to hard wire it into the router but she checked and everything was wireless and worked well.  I got a neat little back up hard drive at Costco's that is about the size of a wallet.

Molly's kicking butt working on all her scholarship applications.  She was chosen for a DAR scholarship and has to attend an awards ceremony in Rutland next week.