Walking out to the red cabin...Tucker was such a good boy!
John thought this would be an interesting picture!
We spent the 3rd week of July at Tate's camp while they went to Maine and housesat and watched their dog Ebenezer. Had a nice time. Got a chance to get together with Mike, Carol and Martha. Always fun to reminisce with Martha about when she was young at Craigie Lee. We had a great Lobster dinner, Mike and Carol brought some organic beef, salads and a blueberry crumb pie. Also great corn on the cob. John was able to fish once and caught several perch. The puppy was still pretty small so we really didn't dare let the 2 dogs play together much...ebon out, puppy in and vice versa! Great weather, enjoyed sitting on the porch watching all the boats travel up and down the lake. The sleeping porch was great for sleeping too.