Monday, December 27, 2010

winter storm December 27, 2010

The storm wasn't as bad as they thought it would be.  Lot's of wind and some snow maybe about 8-10 inches with lots of drifting.  The picture of John is before he heads out to plow on the tractor.

Christmas 2010 pictures etc.

I ended up working Christmas Eve but we decided to open 1 gift each that night.  We got up bright and early and opened gifts.  John made us a nice breakfast and then Molly and I started cooking!  We had Prime Rib, twice baked potatoes, deviled eggs, fresh beans, roasted brussel sprouts with bacon and shallots and lots of appetizers, cheese, crackers, shrimp (all thanks to a trip to Costco's)

Sue, Robin and Martha joined us for dinner.  We all had a really nice time.  The roast was done to perfection (thanks to John)