Well Austin turned 14 on Tuesday. Molly is home for spring break (she arrived Thursday evening) and brought him his traditional piece of carrot cake. It's been bitterly cold here, -8 the other night. I'm so ready for spring! Austin had a trim this morning and will get a bath thanks to Molly this afternoon. I called to schedule Kacee's spring shots yesterday thinking it would be in April and surprisingly he had a cancellation today. They have a new product Dormasedan gel, a sedative, which is administered like a wormer. Kacee is usually a real idiot when it comes to the vet. Ever since she had the porcupine quills in her nose she is terrified of needles and wants to kill anyone around her. (Rearing, striking etc.) Usually the vet has to do a quick im injection, then we let her rest in the stall until it kicks in. They have to give more med in the intramuscular injection and sometimes she ends up getting colicky. This new med is given 30 minutes before the vet arrives and hopefully will do the job so it isn't so traumatic for her. She needs her teeth floated, shots and a coggin's test.