Saturday, January 2, 2010

January 2, 2009

Today has been a great day to stay home!  I just finished mac and cheese prep to go with a nice Mackenzie ham for dinner.  (2 mac and cheeses, one with gluten free buckwheat flour and gluten free pasta for me and the other regular.  The gluten free actually tastes really good.  I'm getting pretty good at adapting to this diet.  

The neighbor Nick bottomed out his blood sugar again last night.  Got a call at 2:30 am from Sue asking me to come over.  He was disoriented, Short of breath and his blood sugar was only 36.  We got him to sit up, gave him juice with about 4 tablespoons of sugar in it which he managed to get down.  Within a few minutes he was back to his old self mentally...saying that he "got the whole neighborhood up"  We waited for the ambulance and helped get him on the stretcher.  He ended up in ICU with CHF and hopefully they'll have the diabetes doc consult.  His hand looks really good, I think they just fluid overloaded him.

It's still snowing...supposed to get 8-10 inches today and tonight.  The Wii is awesome!  We all enjoy it.  Had dinner at Sue's last night, filet, beans, potatoes and much for the no desserts after Jan. 1st!

Friday, January 1, 2010


2010 arrived uneventfully.  I had the pleasure of working yesterday and the ER was packed.  I'm sure this 3 day weekend will be crazy too but I'm off!  We had a great Christmas.  We celebrated the day  before as I had to work on Christmas day.  We opened gifts in the morning and cooked a nice rib roast for dinner with twice baked potatoes.  Martha, Sue Gilmore, and our neighbor Robin Wilson joined us.
One of our best gifts was a Wii.  We got John a game "Call to Duty" and Molly and I got the Wii fit plus and sports resort games.  They are awesome.

My neighbor Nick has been in the hospital for several days after his cat bit him on the hand.  The cat had an infected ear from a ?cat fight and he accidentally touched it.  He never told his wife and 3 days later his hand was bright red and swollen and hot and 3 times the size of normal.  He was admitted and on IV antibiotics for several days and came home last night.  Molly and I have been checking on his wife...she was worried about the cat too so we volunteered to drive him to our vets for a checkup.  The weather was pretty awful but we figured we would drive slow and be fine.  We went to pick him up and she was dressed in her jacket carrying her portable oxygen tank "ready to go"  I told her I would rather she didn't come as the roads were bad...she was  disappointed but agreed.  (I just figured better to not have her fall and break a hip)  There were cars off the road on the way and a tractor trailer jackknifed in West Rutland.  The cat yowled all the way there and all the way back.  Molly looked at me once and said "why are we doing this again?"  Anyway both are home and both seem to be doing better.

Molly also cut her hair before Christmas and donated 9 inches to Locks of Love.  She looks great and loves the new haircut.

The big snowstorm doesn't seem to be amounting to much so far.  We've been invited to the neighbors tonight for dinner.  Molly gave Austin a bath this morning and he smells so much better.  He's doing well.  He will turn 13 this March.

Take care and Happy New Year!