Wednesday, January 12, 2011

January 2011 SNOW!!!

Well we finally got a good snowstorm!  It's still snowing now and we have about 12 inches of fluffy snow.  It's very windy and lots of drifting.  We had the pleasure of staying home all day.  I had a meeting this morning at the hospital but thankfully it was cancelled.  We had a great day of just hanging out, we did go for a short snowshoe but it was really tough going!  Molly had Austin out with his Iditarod boots on...he didn't really like them much but it kept him from getting snowballs in his toes.  John spent most of the afternoon plowing the driveway, Sue's, the barn and Robin's.  Hopefully it won't snow too much during the night.  Molly is going to Burlington with her friend Cassie on Friday.  We hope to go ice fishing on Saturday, then come back to the house for a lasagna dinner and a bonfire out back.  John cut a bunch of old trees a few years ago out back and never got a chance to burn the pile.  I think it will be fun and it will be a celebration before Molly goes back to school.  She leaves on Monday for her second semester.  She's got a great schedule with classes Monday through Thursday and every Friday off.  She's riding again this semester but hasn't got her schedule yet.  We went over a week ago to buy her books and she took me to the barn and showed me all the horses.  It's really very nice.  We are kind of contemplating sending Kacee if they wanted her.  If she is accepted they don't charge board they just use them one time daily for lessons. She was covered with snow today...had her medium blanket on but was warm and dry underneath.  She prefers being outside just standing with her butt up against the barn and her back to the wind.  I gave her extra hay to keep her happy and content.

Back to work tomorrow.  Hopefully it won't be too crazy.  Molly had a great time riding a long with RAS for a shift.  She got to see the other end of the spectrum, going into peoples homes and responding to Castleton for a woman with a fractured dislocated ankle.  I think she enjoyed going lights and sirens up the mountain to Killington the most for a skier that hit something and ended up with a fractured spine.  They said she can come back anytime!


We also snow shoed down Cumming's Road and checked out the Shaw Mountain Cemetery.  Very interesting!  Many graves were dated in the early 1800's.