Well it's hard to believe it's already May. It is really greening up here..my daffodils are blooming. The deer ate all my tulips! I've had several days off to enjoy the spring weather. We fixed fencing and moved Kacee home. She's happily pigging out on green grass. I've been trying to acclimate her gradually to prevent having her get a gas colic...so far so good. We've ridden several times, she's been very good, only a few fussy episodes where she didn't want to go forward. She's great in the meadow, will go round and round forever (she must have been ridden primarily in the ring) When she's out on the road most of the time she's fine, but like the other day she went to the end of our driveway and wanted to turn right. I wanted to go left and she got all cranky. We managed to get going toward Sue's and I figured she would just stop at the barn. She happily went right and we had a nice ride out toward the Russian's. The next day we rode again in the meadow, lots of circles, bending picking up leads and she was awesome! We then headed to the barn thinking she would want to stop. She happily headed up the road toward the Russian's, only thing was when I wanted to turn around she didn't. I ended up circling her a few times and backing her up about 15 feet and she decided it would be easier to go forward. Then she was fine and we had a great ride. All in all she's a great horse..doesn't spook easily or shy at cars, very gentle. Ken comes next Wednesday to put on shoes.
Molly has been studying hard for her AP history exam this week. I've also been driving her nuts reviewing stuff for the SAT and ACT tests that she takes early in June. She's been meeting with the college prep guy once a week to prepare also. He's this kind of creepy old guy that was the guidance counselor at MSJ for 15 years..also an English teacher. When he retired he set up this business and has been helping kids prepare whatever they need to get into college, applications, testing, essays etc. I think it's a good investment. The guidance department at Fair Haven certainly leaves alot to be desired.
This afternoon I talked John into going to the Dr.'s. I think he still has a sinus infection, constantly coughs and blows his nose. (He's had it longer than the swine flu thing has been in the news)
Molly's car had to have a new water pump. Glad that didn't happen while we were in Maine! Now it has another light saying the anti theft system has a problem so we'll be taking it in tomorrow to get that checked out.
Looking forward to trying out Skype when Heather and John go to Arizona. It was fun chatting face to face with them.
Here are a few pictures: