Sunday, December 30, 2012

2012 is almost over!

So it's been a long time since I've posted!  John got a deer on the second day of deer season, Molly had a great semester at school, (excluding her knee problems), but now they are over, her surgery was successfully done on December 18th.  She had a femoral nerve block that lasted 36 hours!  We arrived at the hospital at 0830, she got her iv and was supposed to go in at  11:30.  They didn't do the block until 11:30, then OR at 12:30, out by 1:45.  In recovery til about 3.  She got lots of meds, woke up comfortable, but when she first tried to use crutches got very dizzy.  We waited another hour or so, I went and got her prescriptions while she had an english muffin and ginger ale and then PT worked with her again.  We arrived home about 6:30, pouring rain, and still very sleepy, unsteady.  She got into the house, then lost her balance and almost fell getting onto the couch.  I was a bit panicky, but felt better after talking to Cookie.  (thanks cookie!!).  Anyway, had her post op check up on Friday, (the day after the noreaster) and did very well.  they were pleased, her stitches were out and she starts PT this week.  she was given all the exercises to do, and has been doing some on her own at home.  Straight leg raises and heel slides etc. the swelling has gone down, still bruised, but much better!  We plan on picking up the attachments for her crutches for snow and ice...she got the ok to drive so is eager to "get going and get out of the house".  

molly during her OR rotation

the traditional cosmo

awaiting her surgery

this is after her femoral block and lots of fentanyl and versed, notice the smile?

My boy

tuck doesn't like the crutches.

Molly making twice baked potatoes for xmas eve at Robin's

Molly and Hazel



Excellent dinner, Lamb shanks!


Robin and Hazel

Love Robin's fireplace

Our tree

John making our traditional omelette for Christmas breakfast.

Tuck likes his new bed, no chewing on it so far!


cheesecake, (John Martin's recipe)

picking on Molly

Deviled eggs.

Yummm it was delicious!, (gluten free crust too)

Prime rib for Christmas dinner and gluten free mac and cheese.

Ansel out in the snow

Snow, we must have almost 2 feet

John plowing this morning

Hope everyone had a great holiday and Happy New Year!!

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