Friday, March 4, 2011

Kacee's vet visit

So the vet's wife called at 10:45 and said he was leaving his last job.  I went down with Molly to the barn and we managed to get the Dormosedan paste in Kacee.  The vet arrived about 15 minutes later...we waited another 20 minutes or so and he went in the stall to float her teeth.  Her head was down...she was definately sedated but as soon as he tried to look in her mouth she reared.  He then tried to give a little more med IV...she would have no part of it.  She still tried to rear and aggressively shook her head.  He ended up giving her a little more IM and waiting.   After 20 more minutes her head was on the ground...she was snoring and wobbling a bit.  He was able to do her teeth without any problem.  He tried to get the Coggins which is a blood draw from her neck and it still took him 2 times!  He gave her her routine shots and was on his way.  She's locked in the barn and probably won't be awake enough to let out for 4-5 hours.  Hopefully she won't colic like she has in the past.

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