Friday, October 15, 2010

Some more fall photos

Well we've been bombarded by hungry chipmunks...I thought I would try setting up the havahart trap (as compared to John and Molly target shooting with their 22's).  The chippies just walked right into the trap, chowed down on the seeds and then left.  Apparently they are too light to trigger the trap! So...when Molly is home they will be doing some population control! 
Had a nice ride on Kacee the other day down Cumming's road.  The colors are nice...not as bright as some years.  We are supposed to get heavy rain today that will probably knock down all the leaves.  The paint horse is Jackson, one of the Colby Sawyer horses that Molly rides.  Tomorrow is the Dartmouth show...I think they have an indoor.  Sunday is Colby Sawyers show...(I have to work that day....bummer)

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