Wednesday, July 29, 2009

July 29th. Today we got a call from Molly saying when she put her car in drive it didn't go anywhere. We went down and it seemed to be working but decided to take it to Alderman's to get the transmission serviced. Amazingly they had an opening at 1:30 so we headed to Rutland and dropped it off. Next was lunch at Applebee's and then a neat ride into Shrewsbury over the CCC road into Plymouth and then to Rt 7 and back to Rutland. They flushed the system. They said the fluid was pretty dirty but that it seemed to be running ok now. Hopefully we won't be looking at a new transmission! Since arriving home we've had nothing but heavy rain and thunderstorms. We need hot dry weather. Hay is going to be outrageous if we ever even can get any. This weekend John and I are going to Burlington for our anniversary. (22 years!) He's hoping for his furlough from GE for Aug. through October. He'll find out soon.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful vacation pictures Jill~ These times are too few and far between. 22A was really flooded in places when I came home about 1830 tonight. Wonder how it will be in the morning if this keeps up.
