Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Austin got clipped and a bath!!!

Well, Austin was not happy today! We got out the clippers and he immediately had an anxiety attack, shaking and shivering. I don't know why he hates to be clipped so much, we never hurt him. Anyway, Molly did his ears and his feet, I clipped his nails and then she gave him a bath. I'm going to attempt to put a little video clip of him on here too. The weather is really cold again. About 13 degrees this morning, with an even colder wind chill. It's supposed to snow a few inches. I've started the new James Patterson novel Cross's really good so far. I don't work again until Friday. Yeah! This week is notoriously busy in the E.D.

Hope everyone has a safe and Happy New Year!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas 2008

Well we had a great Christmas! We got up early, made a nice breakfast (I tried something new this year, crescent rolls stuffed with sausage and cheddar cheese) they were really good. We opened gifts in the morning, talked to family in Arizona and had a nice meal later in the day, shrimp, dip and crackers, chicken with hash brown casserole, green beans and warm brownies with ice cream for dessert...So much for no gluten today! Molly got me a new ipod, it's so tiny and holds lots of songs. My gift to all of us was a new TV so now we've joined the HD community. Thanks Rutland Hospital for all the overtime to help pay for it!! Molly was happy to get cash from her Dad and her grammy Martha for our next shopping trip. She picked out some clothes on our last trip to Burlington and wrapped them from me.

Today we've been quiet and layed back. We did go out for a little snowshoe, It's supposed to rain tomorrow and be up to 50 degrees tomorrow...maybe even thunderstorms, Weird!

Mom, I hope Rich and Bob pull up the blog while you are all together. Did you get my gifts from Amazon? Sounds like you are having a great time, I'm glad! Here are a few photos from our day.

Monday, December 22, 2008

Well today was bright and sunny yet still very cold. Molly and I went to Fair Haven to get ingredients for some Xmas cookies and she made a double batch of almond squares. I have a turkey in the oven for dinner which smells delicious..I ended up buying 2 during the Thanksgiving sales and freezing them. Tomorrow I work from 11-3, Molly is volunteering, we thought we would go in early and go to Sugar and Spice for breakfast. After work we head to Hannaford's for my 2 cart grocery excursion.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Our December trip to NYC!

Molly and I had a chance to join several of the girls that I work with in the ER on a trip to the city. We left at 5:30 am from Fair Haven, caught the train in Albany and were in Penn Station by 10:30. We walked everywhere! Saw lots of things...the Empire State building, FAO Schwartz, Rockefeller Center, the skating area and the tree, Time Square at night was fabulous, Saint Patrick's Cathedral. We went to a 2pm show, The Christmas Spectacular with the Rockettes at Radio City Music Hall and had dinner at The Hard Rock Cafe. We caught a 7:30 pm train and were home by midnight...a very long day!

A few weeks ago I had to make the hard decision to put my horse Pat down. He was really old and unfortunately didn't have many teeth left and had started having a really hard time eating anything without choking. He had a great life with me and was such a good "Old Man". Hopefully he is in a lush green meadow with Dinah pony somewhere in heaven.

Late entry pictures from Thanksgiving

We ended up having a really nice get together for Thanksgiving. Martha and Tom came and we ate way too much! Tom also added some memory to my Dell so it can run better...and it does!

The Generator

Thought I would show you all a picture of our generator...we decided to invest in one as we heat with the pellet stove and if the power goes out we are screwed. We haven't had to use it yet, but we're ready...they say perhaps some icey weather on Christmas Eve. The best part is that it's all automatic.

This storm is going to be a doozy!

Well this morning went down to feed Kacee...she was warm and dry under her snow covered blanket. The water spicket was frozen so had to come home and get 2 buckets from the tub. Anyway it's topped off so she should be fine if we get snowed in. Ended up giving her a bale and a half of hay just to keep her happy (and so I won't worry about her if we can't get back down tonight). They are predicting 10-15 inches of new snow with this storm. I walked the fence line and it's well over my knees.

Saturday, December 20, 2008


Well I made it home from the hospital this morning...ended up spending the night at the Comfort Inn as the roads were so bad. We ended up with about a foot of new powder. The temperature is about 10 degrees and it's windy so I bet the wind chill is below zero. John finished plowing the driveway early, also plowed the neighbors and the horse barn. He ended up getting stuck once and the big tractor wouldn't start so the language was not nice! Anyway he's out of the snowbank and curled up on the couch with Austin. I'm psyched I have Sunday and Monday off (we are due for another storm...they say 12-18 inches) Molly made a delicious lasagna for dinner...can't wait to try it.

"I'm now an official blogger"

I've finally started a blog! Bear with me, with Molly's help I will get things up and running...and people can keep in touch. Feel free to comment!!